Adding a Custom Campaign

This section will detail the steps needed to make a new campaign. This will involve creating a new XML file with your campaign starting data and modifying Instances.XML to add your new campaign core object. If you are planning to create alternate win conditions, different events or event order or other scripting differences, you will also need to be proficient in LUA scripting.

The fastest/easiest way to create your own custom campaign mod is to just copy the entire directory structure of the "Petroglyph: Siege of Paris" into your mod and rename and edit files to match your custom campaign and what you would like to change. The "Petroglyph: Siege of Paris" mod folder is located in: \Steam\steamapps\common\TheGreatWar\SampleMods

Part 1: Create your Campaign Content Data

The easiest way to create new campaign data is to copy an existing one. Look for Regions.XML or Regions_1916.XML and create a copy of it, then rename it (we suggest Regions_xxx.XML where XXX is your personal descriptor).

This file contains all of the starting information for each region in the game, for both factions. The following information is available for every region on the map.

As part of creating a new custom campaign, we will walk through Regions_Mod_Campaign_Strategic_Allies_00 located in \Data\XML\Regions_Mod_Campaign_Strategic_Allies_00.xml in the "Petroglyph: Siege of Paris" sample custom campaign mod.

Part 1

Part 2: Create Your Instance Data

Campaigns require an instance block for each faction you want to play. If you only want to play your new campaign from one faction’s point of view, then you only need to add one data block. Otherwise, you will need two. This guide will take you through the steps of adding an Allied version only; just duplicate the steps for the German version if desired.

The easiest way to create a new campaign instance is to copy one that is of the same type. Since instance data can be a campaign map, a skirmish map, a historical battle or a world campaign map, you have to be careful that the one you are duplicating matches the type of map you want.

-- As part of creating a new custom campaign, we will walk through the MOD_CAMPAIGN_STRATEGIC_ALLIES_00 instance located in \Data\XML\Mod_Campaign_Strategic_Allies_00_Instances.xml in the "Petroglyph: Siege of Paris" sample custom campaign mod.

Part 2